A Virtual Community Space

Speak your wound.

Monthly Membership Includes:

  • ✺ Monthly Live Circles

    Every month around the Full moon we will gather to physically integrate the messages coming through during our emanating exploration of archetypal woundings.

  • ✺Access to Digital Content

    Teachings from Samar Jade will be available through audio/video downloads.

  • ✺Unlimited Replays

    All meet ups (circles, book club, discussions) will be recorded and recordings will be made available within 24 hours of the live meeting.

  • ✺Seasonal Bookclub

    An optional opportunity to read and discuss materials related to woundings, somatic healing, and astrological archetypes.

  • ✺Guest classes/workshops

    Practitioners, astrologers, and magicians well respected in their fields will drop in during the year for meet-ups that will be recorded. Check out the full list here.

To see the 2024 Guest Speakers, click the link below:

“Letting Chiron sing means allowing the quivers of our unspoken desires to erupt from our throats”

I am a trained classical singer. I know how to sing. And, I was asked to sing with vulnerability in order to convey the message of the text or the emotions of the character.

But, I didn’t learn to speak my desires in an academic classroom or even on a stage. I began the journey of speaking truth to desire by first devouring my deepest insecurities. I became pregnant with my failures and birthed an understanding that the things inside that told me my voice wasn’t good enough were never going away.

The wounding made its home in me. So often we are told that healing is the goal when it comes to insecurities and trauma. What if the goal wasn’t healing? What if the goal was to make space for the wounding to speak through us? What if that’s where our magic lies? What if it’s through our wounds that the light shines through so others might see where to go?

Letting Chiron Sing is a space were we might gather to explore our voices through our woundings. It is the container we create together to feel our woundings howl. It is the place where desire for embodied transformation bellows in the face of conformity. Together we find the roar in the wounding’s whisper.

In astrology, Chiron is known as the “Wounded Healer.”

Shaped like a key, the Chiron placement in our birth chart points to the places where our greatest wounding lies — and consequently, our most magical medicine. This asteroid and mythic archetype captivated me. It gave me the courage to remember my purpose on this earth was not to erase my woundings. I was not placed on this earth for the soul purpose of healing. Healing ceased to exist as the end goal. Instead, I came to understand that it was through my woundings, failures, and messiness that others could learn to love and embrace themselves.

When this offering spoke to me first in September of 2023, I wanted to say “I am not big enough to hold this. You’ve got the wrong person.” And yet, it persisted in its desire to be born through me. At first, I thought it could be a workshop, but it was too big for an hour or 2 or even 4 hours. It didn’t exist as a cute mini series. This offering called for a year of my time, resources and energy. It whispered in my dreams to communal circles of humans allowing the reverberations of their woundings to sound out. And, the ripples grew bigger, and soon the towers began to crack.

Letting Chiron Sing is so much more than a digital monthly subscription. It is a calling to humans who want to be a part of the radical transformation of this world with living their truths out loud through their greatest woundings. It is for those tired of hiding themselves. It is for those who know deep in their well of inner knowing that their “weaknesses” are actually their places of strength. It is for those who have no desire to conform to social expectations of perfection.

Letting Chiron Sing is for those who know the journey of Soul to Self exists in the time realm longer than a workshop. They know that integration needs communal support. They desire to see something through to the end. You know that Saturn’s call is not a limitation but an invitation to build foundations that last.

Doors are OPEN

Doors are OPEN

Letting Chiron Sing
Every month

This digital space is designed to introduce participants to the act of physical vocalization without judgement with the opportunity for reflection and sharing in a brave space.

✓ monthly live meet ups
✓ monthly reflections
✓ opportunities to connect with others
✓ guest classes/workshops
✓ seasonal book club

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • Yes. However, because of the nature of the content explored, once you cancel your membership, you will need to wait until the next iteration of Letting Chiron Sing scheduled for 2025.

  • The schedule will be sent quarterly.

  • Depending on the content we explore, ABSOLUTELY.

  • Due to the nature of this material and the subscription, there are no refunds.

  • Yes! There is a 15% discount for anyone in LCS for 1:1 readings/sessions with Samar Jade. This is on top of any pricing tier you align with.

  • Yes. Their ultimate belief is that we already know that which we seek. As an ensoulment doula they see their work is to provide the tools and spaces needed to re-member your way to spiritual and personal gnosis.