The Energy Exchange

It is important that in the communities I build or am a part of practice care for itself through an even exchange of energy between its members. Everyone that comes to the table should be able to eat. Each one of us possesses access to the energy of money. However, due to unequal systems built by white supremacy, the patriarchy and colonialism, the access and flow of this energy can vary greatly person so person. I want to provide my services in a way that make them accessible for my community and provide stability for my family. This is one way we may work to repair the inequity of the society we live in.

  • Your exchange allows for me to provide readings to other ensoulment community members at a lower or no cost. This is one way we may practice community care.

    $100 for Guidance and Astrology Readings (60 mins)

    $150 for Ritual Making (75 mins)

    $75 for pre-recorded Chiron Reading

    $999 for Ensouling 6 month container

  • You are able to afford the readings at cost.

    $80 for Guidance and Astrology Readings (60 mins)

    $80 for Ritual Making Sessions (75 mins)

    $60 for pre-recorded Chiron Reading

    $777 for Ensouling 6 month jcontainer

  • One or more of your identities falls under “systemically excluded/oppressed” and you are currently experiencing hardship. Hardship would mean purchasing at full price could add precarity to your life and thus an uneven energy exchange.

    $65 for Astrology and Guidance Readings (60 mins)

    $65 for Ritual Making Sessions (75 mins)

    $45 for pre-recorded Chiron Reading

    $555 for Ensouling 6 month container

  • It is not possible to afford any of the energy exchange options. Please visit the contact form in the dropdown menu and let me know you would like to have a reading at no charge to you. I draw one name a month. Please only apply once a year.